The heart and soul of Women's Connection are its small groups, where women 50 years and forward develop new friendships and explore what’s next together.
Peer groups are comprised of 8 to12 women who meet once a month. These small groups are a special feature of Women's Connection, providing opportunities for connection, friendship and personal growth.
Each peer group shares responsibilities and selects topics,ranging from light-hearted and fun, to others that are more thought provoking. Although discussions typically take place in each other's homes, or by Zoom, it is not uncommon for peer groups to dine out together, plan a group activity, or work on volunteer opportunities in New Jersey together.
The close bonds that peer group members generally form over the years are very special and beneficial as members transition into new stages of their lives.
Am I automatically assigned to a peer group when I join Women's Connection?
No. Sometimes new members must wait until a new peer group forms or there is open space in an existing peer group. Although most members eventually join peer groups, some choose to simply participate in the general chapter activities, the Special Interest Groups, or join one of the Chapter's Committees.
To learn more about becoming a new member of the NNJ chapter or to join a peer group, please email the chapter at